Nice to Meet you! A Simple 自己紹介

Well, the title says it all. Ehm..

Hey there! Welcome to Jagaimo-chan's Difficult LIFE!.

First of all, let me introduce myself. I'm Maya Cold (not my real name, but close). I'm 15 and I live in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I have 12 siblings and I am the third child. I'm a Form 3 secondary school student who's passionate about music (especially piano) and languages. A proud muslim, too!

This is just an introduction post, so if you're reading this, you're either out of things to do, curious,  or just happen too see this post somewhere. But anyway,

If you're not sure about what stuff I post here, you can head over to my About page. I have it all explained there. (Seriously, I'm actually just lazy to list them here. Don't mind me.)

Ooother than that, there's nothing much to say here really. I don't have anything to show...but this 自己紹介 in Japanese. Please enjoy! (If there are any mistakes, please let me know in the comments below.) You can also ask more stuff about me and what I do.

音楽と猫が好きです。クラシックとちょっとポップが好きです。私の一番好きな歌手はAKMUのリー・スーヒューンとリー・チャンヒュクです。両方綺麗な声をしている。「LAST GOODBYE」は私の好きな曲の一つです。その曲がすごく好きです。


P/s : Not sure about the 漢字 I use? Feel challenged! Look them up, learn them up.


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